
Two Ways to Lose Your Audience’s Attention

Posted by aonenetworks On February 22, 2013

zz1391608_peopleWhen you’re designing your brand and your company, losing the attention of your audience by losing their trust is one of the most painful things you can do. As soon as you lose their trust, you lose the ability to sell to them when otherwise they could have been an excellent customer for you. Believe it or not, building trust is something that only you can do, and you can start by checking out the tips below.

You Don’t Let Anyone Talk for Your Brand

Your brand can’t do all of the talking – no, really, it’s that simple. When you’re part of a company, you aren’t alone. There are tens or hundreds of customers that also have something to say, and it’s important that you’re listening to them. Where is your blog where people can comment, good and bad? Where is the forum that helps people with their issues before they get angry about them? Let others speak, even when they have bad things to say.

You Don’t Have Time for Social Media

So you think that creating a company is taking all of your time and you don’t have time to manage social media pages. It’s true, managing social media pages does take a lot of time and effort, but that doesn’t mean you just get to skip out on it. In fact, it’s probably more important than many other customer engagement tactics you might be thinking about employing. Make time, or hire someone else to do it for you.

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