
How to Make Your Presentation More Relevant

Posted by aonenetworks On January 25, 2013

ID-10015349Do you want to have more successful presentations that wow your audience and make it more likely for them to trust you? (Ultimately, that means you get sales!) Check out these three tips to see if they can send you off in the right direction and make your company more successful.

Skip the Lighthearted Joke

Believe it or not, even if your audience thinks your joke is funny and they laugh, usually they’ll just assume you are nervous when you tell it. Even though being nervous isn’t a bad thing, you don’t want your audience to automatically assume that’s how you’re feeling. You want them to think you’re confident, because that’s the kind of person they’ll buy from.

Skip the Background, Too

Why are you talking about your company before anyone knows anything about your services? A little bit of background here and there worked into your speech can be beneficial, but skip the five minutes of talk about your company. Save it for paper or for after your presentation, and instead dive right into your material.

Open with Something Important

Do you want your audience to focus on what you’re saying? Then you have to get through the mental barrier most people have up. Everyone has something to worry about in their lives, and if you want to dominate the front of their minds, you have to startle them into paying attention to you. Make sure the first thing you say is something so interesting they simply cannot resist you.

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