
Two Ways to Use Your Time Wisely When You Don’t Have Much of It

Posted by aonenetworks On May 24, 2013

We are always wanting for new ways to spend our time wisely. The vast majority of us feel like we don’t have any time at all, and though that’s not true, just feeling that way can be completely overwhelming. Instead of letting the stress consume you, find new ways to use your time wisely so you can feel like you have more of it. Here are two ways to be more aware of where your time is going and how to regain it for proper use.

Prep Way Ahead of Time

Do you have a project due? Do you know a meeting is upcoming and you have something you need to do that day? Prepping for things ahead of time can save you stress and time in the end. A project that is due on the same day that you have a three hour meeting should be finished before the meeting begins. When it comes to life, prepping your breakfast before you go to sleep at night can guarantee a stress-free morning meal when you wake up the next day. Finding easy ways to stay ahead of the game will make your life feel more organized.

Where’s Your Time Going?

There are 168 hours in a single week. That’s a ton of hours, and though some of them aren’t usable (you do have to sleep, after all), the rest of the time is being spent on other things. Do you even know why you didn’t have any time last week to get that project finished, or did you just say you were “too busy”? Figure out your own schedule and figure out where your extra hours are going. The average person has 30 hours a week that they can delegate to the tasks they wish to do. Where are your 30 hours going? Figure it out and reclaim them.

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