
Two Ways to Increase Your Personal Productivity

Posted by aonenetworks On October 4, 2013

Work, work, work. Sometimes we hate it, and sometimes we love it. But no matter how we feel about it, we need to stay on the ball or fall behind significantly. When we fall behind, we may lose what’s left of our motivation, and then nothing gets done. The results of nothing getting done are never good, and they often result in the loss of our jobs or freedoms at work. Check out the following tips to see if they can help you stay focused for a significant amount of time.

Staying Motivated

Your life is probably very busy and incredibly insane. You probably have a family to manage, a spouse to please, a business to run and maybe even a second job to keep the income flowing. You might even do some volunteer work on the side. But why do you do it all? What motivates you? Take some time to identify the factors that make you feel good about what you do. Write them down, and look at them every day when you walk into the office, especially if you’re not feeling your best.

Use Your Downtime

No one ever got anywhere by using their downtime to sleep, unfortunately. Though you should always attempt to stay well-rested and you should always take time off when you absolutely need it, use the time that you have in-between tasks wisely. For example, what are you doing while you’re taking the bus home? What are you doing during the two hour gap between work and night school? Don’t waste that time. Instead  use it to work on your next project or to brainstorm.

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