
Two Tips to Help Your Company Stay on Track

Posted by aonenetworks On July 12, 2013

1382435_teamwork_conceptLooking for some easy, effective ways to bring more customers into the fold? Here are a couple of ways that are essentially easy to enforce and apply but will always help your company in the long run.

Professionalism is Key

You may not like wearing a tie and suit, but sometimes it’s necessary to give the appearance of professionalism.  If you still don’t want to wear the suit and tie, then you need to at least ACT professional. Be articulate, timely, and organized when you come to a meeting with a client. If this client is a key client to your company, you also need to make sure you come prepared mentally – even if things get strange or hard questions are asked, you should be able to respond to them in stride. All of the information should be stored in your head for quick access. Without fail, remain professional for the best impression on any client. Don’t talk about anything that would start an argument (such as religion or politics), and don’t take sides in anything.

Make Your Services Valuable

Meeting expectations is a great start, but what you really need to do is exceed them.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to work, sleep, and then go back to work. Instead, you need to add exceptional value to your services and products. A good example would be sending a collection of articles on a topic that you know your client is interested in, or sending them a link to an entertaining comedic skit by the comedian you talked about today at lunch. Maybe you can share a piece of software you find to be helpful, or help your client network with other businesses to which they can provide their services.


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