
Three Ways to Relax Your Employees

Posted by aonenetworks On March 9, 2014

business-graphics-1428641-mYou want happy, relaxed employees, especially during times of high volume traffic. Why, you may ask? Because happy employees are employees that are productive, on-task, and ready to tackle anything you might have to throw at them. Here are some ways to make the office feel more relaxed so your employees are ready for just about anything.

Don’t Close Your Door

We don’t mean literally; every boss has to close their door sometimes. However, that doesn’t mean you close your door all of the time. One of the best things you can do for your employees is allow them to walk in when they need to talk, and then listening carefully to what they have to say. You don’t want your employees to feel like they can’t talk to you about important issues.

Be Transparent

If your team doesn’t understand something, then how do you expect them to do it properly? The thing is that sometimes you’re going to need to be straight-forward and honest with your employees if you want them to do what you say. Dancing around an issue doesn’t make it easier, and you always want to ensure that what you’re saying is perfectly clear.

Make Your Office Pretty

That’s right – studies show that making an office more physically attractive results in more productive employees. Things like pictures are a good place to start, but the real value lies in what you give your employees to work with. Attractive desks and comfy chairs are an excellent place to start.

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